undefined symbol: GETSTRUCT -

when use pg_upgrade check upgrade postgresql 9.0 beta2 postgresql 9.3 beta1. error occure below :

uptest@db-172-16-3-33-> cat loadable_libraries.txt  not load library "$libdir/postgis-2.0" error:  not load library "/opt/pgsql9.3beta1/lib/": /opt/pgsql9.3beta1/lib/ undefined symbol: getstruct 

detailed procedure :

  1. install 9.3
  2. initdb 9.3
  3. install (pgfincore, pg_stat_statements, postgis, don't install schema sql)
  4. check

my ld_library_path is:

ld_library_path=/opt/pgsql9.3beta1/lib:/opt/postgis-2.0.3-for9.3/lib:/opt/gdal-1.10.0/lib:/opt/geos-3.3.8/lib:/opt/json-c-git20130520/lib:/opt/proj-4.8.0/lib:/lib64:/usr/lib64:/usr/local/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib /opt/pgsql9.3beta1/bin/pg_upgrade -c -b /opt/pgsql9.0beta2/bin -b /opt/pgsql9.3beta1/bin -d /pgdata1099 -d /pgdata2099 -p 1099 -p 2099 -u postgres -v 

and error :

checking presence of required libraries                 fatal  installation references loadable libraries missing new installation.  can add these libraries new installation, or remove functions using them old installation.  list of problem libraries in file:     loadable_libraries.txt  failure, exiting 


this postgis bug postgresql 9.3. , resolved it.


vi /opt/soft_bak/postgis-2.0.3/postgis/geometry_estimate.c

//add #if postgis_pgsql_version >= 93   #include "access/htup_details.h" #endif 

and gmake, gmake install

do pg_upgrade passed now.

this quoted question. (op has edited question)


this postgis bug postgresql 9.3. , resolved it.


vi /opt/soft_bak/postgis-2.0.3/postgis/geometry_estimate.c

//add #if postgis_pgsql_version >= 93   #include "access/htup_details.h" #endif 

and gmake, gmake install

do pg_upgrade passed now.


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