python - Error when trying to compress static files when using django-storages and django-compressor together -

i have setup aws s3 bucket in order transfer static files in remote cdn using application django-storages, worked fine until tried compress static files before uploading s3 using django_compressor.

i have setup variables according django_compressor documentation django-storages (

i uploaded files in s3 using ' collectstatic' then:

when ' compress' error:

commanderror: error occured during rendering ../templates/base.html: '' isn't accessible via compress_url ('') , can't compressed 

what's wrong setup?

here configuration django-storages , django_compressor:

compress_url = '' static_url = compress_url default_file_storage = 'my_project.boto_custom.cacheds3botostorage'  aws_access_key_id = 'xxx' aws_secret_access_key = 'xxx' aws_storage_bucket_name = 'mybucket_name'  compress_root = static_root  compress_storage = 'my_project.boto_custom.cacheds3botostorage' staticfiles_storage = 'my_project.boto_custom.cacheds3botostorage'  compress_offline = true 

thanks help

i fixed adding 1 variable , worked:

aws_s3_custom_domain = '' 


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