mvc - Ajax.BeginForm and validation -

client side validation not working me in ajax.beginform

this code:

<div id="report">     <div id="projectreport">         <div >             @{                 html.enableclientvalidation();             }              @using (ajax.beginform("analyticsdates", new ajaxoptions                 {                     insertionmode = insertionmode.replace,                     updatetargetid = "reportcontent"                 }))             {                 @html.labelfor(m => m.startdate)                 @html.textboxfor(m => m.startdate, new { id = "start" })                 @html.validationmessagefor(model => model.startdate)                 @html.labelfor(m => m.enddate)                 @html.textboxfor(m => m.enddate, new { id = "end" })                 @html.validationmessagefor(model => model.enddate)                 <input id="btnsearch" type="submit" class="iconheader"/>             }         </div>     </div>     <div id="reportcontent">     </div> </div> 

and enabled validation in web.config page:

<add key="clientvalidationenabled" value="true" />    <add key="unobtrusivejavascriptenabled" value="true" /> 

and added js files well

<script src="@url.content("~/scripts/jquery.validate.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="@url.content("~/scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js")" type="text/javascript"></script> 

second issue related first one, action

[httppost]         [authorize(roles = "xxxreport")]         public async task<actionresult> analyticsdates(reportrequestvm reportrequestvm)         {             if (!modelstate.isvalid)             {                 return view("**mainreports**", reportrequestvm);             }              // fill reportrequestvm data             return view("**partialreport**", reportrequestvm);           } 

if model valid return partial view , page looks fine , otherwise return main view , form , in page renders self twice. question is, in case client validation fails,how return main form validation errors ?

any appreciated, 10x rony

i figured out... should have partial view on result , on query.

and on failure should return "http bad request" , use following set validation on search partial view.

this how should look:

        @using (ajax.beginform("cloudanalyticsdates", new ajaxoptions             {                 insertionmode = insertionmode.replace,                 updatetargetid = "reportcontent",                 onfailure = "oncloudanalyticsfailure",                 onbegin = "validateform",               }))         {             @html.labelfor(m => m.startdate)             @html.textboxfor(m => m.startdate, new { id = "start" })             @html.validationmessagefor(model => model.startdate)             @html.labelfor(m => m.enddate)             @html.textboxfor(m => m.enddate, new { id = "end" })             @html.validationmessagefor(model => model.enddate)             <input id="btnsearch" type="submit" class="iconheader"/>         }     </div> </div>  <script type="text/javascript">     $(document).ready(function () {         $("#datepicker").kendodatepicker();         $("#start").kendodatepicker().data("kendodatepicker");         $("#end").kendodatepicker().data("kendodatepicker");     });       function oncloudanalyticsfailure(parameters) {          $('#projectreport').html(parameters.responsetext);         $('#reportcontent').empty();         cleanvalidationerror('form');     }    </script> 

and on server should like:

[httppost]      public async task<actionresult> cloudanalyticsdates(reportrequestvm reportrequestvm)     {         if (!modelstate.isvalid)         {             response.statuscode = (int)httpstatuscode.badrequest;             return partialview("_reportquery", reportrequestvm);         }           reportrequestvm.bomtotals = await commonrequestshelper.getbomtotalanalytics(bomtotalrequest);         return partialview("_projectreport", reportrequestvm);     } 


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