jquery - UI autocomplete and IE8 -

this first question on site, have real problem. im rewriting code of website make work on ie... , on ie8 code multiple autocomplete input crashes :

    $.widget( "custom.catcomplete", $.ui.autocomplete, {     _rendermenu: function( ul, items )     {         var = this,         currentcategory = "";         $.each( items, function( index, item )         {             if ( item.category != currentcategory ) {                 ul.append( "<li class='ui-autocomplete-category'>" + item.category + "</li>" );                 currentcategory = item.category;             }             that._renderitemdata( ul, item );         });     } }); $( "#form_rech" ).catcomplete({     source: function(get, response) {         $.getjson('rom_new_php_recup.php?action=big_search',{ q: get.term; }, function(result) {             response($.map(result, function(item) {                 return {                     label: item.label.replace(/\\\'/g,"'"),                     category: item.category,                     hash: item.hash                 }             }));         });     },     select: function( event, ui) {         document.location.hash = ui.item.hash;     } }); 

after e few tests seams ton come line :

$.getjson('rom_new_php_recup.php?action=big_search',{ q: get.term; }, function(result) 

and maybe specially ,{ q: get.term; },

do have ideas correct ? lot ! romain

try removing semi-colon after get.term. ie notoriously strict when processing json.


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