How to get the full path of a node in XML file in java? -

i have xml file parsed xpath parameters in it, , want full path each parameter code didn't work reason. the code:

arraylist<string> names = new arraylist<string>(); arraylist<string> paths = new arraylist<string>(); url oracle = new url(""); inputstream = oracle.openstream(); org.w3c.dom.document doc = null; documentbuilderfactory domfactory; documentbuilder builder; try {     domfactory = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance();     domfactory.setnamespaceaware(true);     builder = domfactory.newdocumentbuilder();     doc = builder.parse(is); } catch (exception ex) {     system.err.println("unable load xml: " + ex); }  xpathfactory factory = xpathfactory.newinstance(); xpath xpath = factory.newxpath(); xpathexpression expr = xpath.compile("//*/@*"); object result = expr.evaluate(doc, xpathconstants.nodeset); nodelist nl = (nodelist) result; for(int j=0 ; j < nl.getlength() ; j++){     names.add(nl.item(j).getnodename());     node node = nl.item(j);     arraylist<string> parents = new arraylist<string>();     while(node.getparentnode() != null){ // didn't gone through loop         parents.add(node.getnodename());         node = node.getparentnode();     }     system.out.println(parents); }        

the expression //*/@* returns empty nodeset.

the code below retrieve paths need:

import org.w3c.dom.attr; import org.w3c.dom.node; import org.w3c.dom.nodelist;  public class {     @suppresswarnings("nls")    public static void main( string[] args ) throws exception {       list< string > names = new arraylist<>();       url oracle =          new url( "" );       inputstream = oracle.openstream();       org.w3c.dom.document doc = null;       documentbuilderfactory domfactory;       documentbuilder builder;       try {          domfactory = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance();          domfactory.setnamespaceaware(true);          builder = domfactory.newdocumentbuilder();          doc = builder.parse(is);       } catch (exception ex) {          system.err.println("unable load xml: " + ex);       }       xpathfactory factory = xpathfactory.newinstance();       xpath xpath = factory.newxpath();       xpathexpression expr = xpath.compile( "//*:*/@*" );       object result = expr.evaluate( doc, xpathconstants.nodeset );       nodelist nl = (nodelist) result;       for(int j=0 ; j < nl.getlength() ; j++){          names.add( nl.item(j).getnodename());          node node = nl.item(j);          string path = "." + node.getnodename() + " = " + node.getnodevalue();          node = ((attr)node).getownerelement();          while( node  != null) {             path = node.getnodename() + '/' + path;             node = node.getparentnode();          }          system.out.println( path );       }    } } 


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