ruby on rails - I just can't get my valid password test to pass -

i'm trying valid password test pass. when run it seems password_digest hash different. don't know them match.

i using book "ruby on rails tutorial: learn rails example" michael hartl , seems gets pass.

additionally, application code works expected. can create user , authenticate them in console breaking in tests.

i'm new testing may missing obvious here.

thanks help!

i using bcrypt has_secure_password , here's part relavent user spec code:

describe user    before { @user = "example user", email: "", password: "foobar", password_confirmation: "foobar") }    subject { @user }    { should respond_to(:name) }   { should respond_to(:email) }   { should respond_to(:password_digest) }   { should respond_to(:password) }   { should respond_to(:password_confirmation) }   { should respond_to(:authenticate) }    { should be_valid }    describe "return value of authenticate method"     before { }     let(:found_user) { user.find_by(email: }      describe "with valid password"       { should eq found_user.authenticate(@user.password) }     end      describe "with invalid password"       let(:user_for_invalid_password) { found_user.authenticate('invalid') }        { should_not eq user_for_invalid_password }       specify { expect(user_for_invalid_password).to be_false }     end   end end 

and user model

class user < activerecord::base   before_save  { = email.downcase }    validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 }    valid_email_regex = /\a[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i   validates :email, presence: true, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false }, format: { with: valid_email_regex }    has_secure_password   validates :password_confirmation, presence: true   validates :password, length: { minimum: 6 } end 

the problem in before { }. may not have realized it, before defaults before(:each), means code runs before each example in group. expected default before(:all), runs once, before examples in group.

as mentioned, aren't clearing database after each test. therefore, before each test, calling silently fails validation returning false, because trying create user same email address. it's better use #save! validation exceptions thrown, making problems more obvious.

to summarize:

  • explicitly use before(:all) or before(:each)
  • use #save! instead of #save
  • clear database between each test (try out database cleaner)


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