java - Getting attributes values from a node in XML file -

i have xml file , want values of nodes attributes in it, works efficiently when node usual case of nodes named something:something didn't give me result, null. xml file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:yweather="" xmlns:geo=""> <channel>   <title>yahoo! weather - sunnyvale, ca</title>   <link>*</link>   <description>yahoo! weather sunnyvale, ca</description>   <language>en-us</language>   <lastbuilddate>fri, 18 dec 2009 9:38 pst</lastbuilddate>   <ttl>60</ttl>   <yweather:location city="sunnyvale" region="ca"   country="united states"/>   <yweather:units temperature="f" distance="mi" pressure="in" speed="mph"/> </channel> </rss> 

the java code :

xpathfactory factory = xpathfactory.newinstance(); xpath xpath = factory.newxpath(); xpathexpression expr = xpath.compile("//rss/@version"); object result = expr.evaluate(doc, xpathconstants.string); system.out.println(result); 

the previous java code works efficiently when replacing //rss/@version //rss/channel/yweather:location/@city returns me null.

first of all, part before : called namespace. quite important concept in xml. retrieve value namespace have make context aware of namespace. can using


context must implementation of namespacecontext. in case, namspaces defined within xml might have namespace resolver can namespaces document directly. class doing this:

public class universalnamespaceresolver implements namespacecontext {     private document sourcedocument;      public universalnamespaceresolver(document document) {         sourcedocument = document;     }      public string getnamespaceuri(string prefix) {         if (prefix.equals(xmlconstants.default_ns_prefix)) {             return sourcedocument.lookupnamespaceuri(null);         } else {             return sourcedocument.lookupnamespaceuri(prefix);         }     }      public string getprefix(string namespaceuri) {         return sourcedocument.lookupprefix(namespaceuri);     }      public iterator getprefixes(string namespaceuri) {         return null;     } } 

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