multithreading - perl, starting more processes at the same time -

i using strawberry perl on windows xp download multiple html pages, want each in variable.

right doing this, see it, gets 1 page @ time:

my $page = `curl -s -m 2`; $page2 = `curl -s -m 2`; 

i looked parallel::forkmanager, couldnt work. tried use windows command start before curl doesn't page.

is there more simple way this?

the parallel::forkmanager module should work you, because uses fork instead of threads, variables in parent , each of child processses separate , must communicate different way.

this program uses -o option of curl save pages in files. file for, say, saved in file http\\page , can retrieved there parent process.

use strict; use warnings;  use parallel::forkmanager; use uri; use file::spec; use file::path 'make_path';  $pm = parallel::forkmanager->new(10);  foreach $site (qw( )) {   $pid = $pm->start;   next if $pid;   fetch($site);   $pm->finish; }  $pm->wait_all_children;  sub fetch {   ($url) = @_;    $uri = uri->new($url);   $filename = file::spec->catfile($uri->scheme, $uri->host, $uri->path);   ($vol, $dir, $file) = file::spec->splitpath($filename);    make_path $dir;   print `curl -m 2 -o $filename`; } 


here version uses threads threads::shared return each page hash shared between threads. hash must marked shared, , locked before modified prevent concurrent access.

use strict; use warnings;  use threads; use threads::shared;  %pages; @threads;  share %pages;  foreach $site (qw( )) {   $thread = threads->new('fetch', $site);   push @threads, $thread; }  $_->join @threads;  (scalar keys %pages) {   printf "%d %s fetched\n", $_, $_ == 1 ? 'page' : 'pages'; }  sub fetch {   ($url) = @_;   $page = `curl -s $url -m 2`;   lock %pages;   $pages{$url} = $page; } 


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