JSP get/setParameter with whole Objects -

im new in community , come first question.

im using jsp created jsp-sites using jsp:setparameter , jsp:getparameter single strings.

now want same whole objects (yes know string object :p). tried following:

this bean:

@entity @table(name="tbl_spj_movie") public class movie implements serializable {     @id     @column(name="movie_id", unique=true)     private int movieid = 0;      @column(name="movie_backdroppath")     private string backdroppath = "";      @column(name="movie_originaltitle")     private string originaltitle = "";      @column(name="movie_popularity")     private double popularity = 0.0;      @column(name="movie_posterpath", length=1000)     private string posterpath = "";      @temporal(temporaltype.date)     @column(name="movie_releasedate")     private date releasedate = null;      @column(name="movie_title")     private string title = "";      @column(name="movie_adult")     private boolean adult = false;      @column(name="movie_budget")     private int budget = 0;      @column(name="movie_homepage", length=1000)     private string homepage = "";      @lob     @column(name="movie_overview", length=1000)     private string overview = "";      @column(name="movie_runtime")     private int runtime = 0;      @column(name="movie_voteaverage")     private double voteaverage = 0.0;      @column(name="movie_votecount")     private int votecount = 0;      public movie() {}      //##########################################################################################     @suppresswarnings("unchecked")     @transient     public list<movie> getmovies() {         list<movie> movies = new arraylist<movie>();         entitymanagerfactory factory = persistence.createentitymanagerfactory("spjunit");         entitymanager em = factory.createentitymanager();          query query = em.createquery("select m movie m");          movies = (list<movie>)query.getresultlist();          return movies;     }     @transient     private movie currentmovie = null;     public movie getcurrentmovie() {             return currentmovie;     }     public void setcurrentmovie(movie currentmovie) {         this.currentmovie = currentmovie;     }     //##########################################################################################      // getter , setter       public string tostring() {         return title;     } } 

this movies.jsp

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%> <%@page language="java" contenttype="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageencoding="utf-8"%> <jsp:usebean id="movie" class="de.movie"></jsp:usebean>  <!doctype html> <html> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">  <head>     <link href="../css/movies.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">     <title>movie titles</title> </head>  <body>     <div id="wrapper">     <br></br>     <h2 id="title">movie titles</h2>     <br></br>      <ul>         <c:foreach var="movie" items="${movie.movies}">             <li id="listelement">                 <form action="../pages/singlemovie.jsp">                     <input type="submit"                             name="currentmovie"                             value="${movie}"                     />                 </form>             </li>         </c:foreach>     </ul> </div> </body> </html> 

here have big list of movies. think because of tostring() method titles printed out right? these forms want submit selected movie jsp:

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%> <%@page language="java" contenttype="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageencoding="utf-8"%> <jsp:usebean id="movie" class="de.movie"></jsp:usebean>  <!doctype html> <html> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">  <head>     <link href="../css/singlemovie.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">     <title>movie</title> </head>  <body> <div id="wrapper">      <jsp:setproperty name="movie" property="*" />      <br></br>     <h2 id="title"><jsp:getproperty name="movie" property="currentmovie" /></h2>     <br></br>  </div> </body> </html> 

it seems there title of movie sent because following error when call singlemovie.jsp:

org.apache.jasper.jasperexception: org.apache.jasper.jasperexception:  org.apache.jasper.jasperexception: pwc6338: cannot convert "ariel" attribute currentmovie of bean de.movie: pwc6348: property editor not registered propertyeditormanager 

"ariel" title of movie selected submit.

i want send whole movie can use fields of movie-bean in singlemovie.jsp.

as long worked titles of movies worked great.

so doing wrong?

you don't seem realize html , http don't work objects. can submit string parameters.

you should not build app jsps only. jsps great generate html. rest (getting parameters, validating them, retrieving , saving objects from/to database, etc.) should done using java code, in servlet, or in controller of preferred mvc framework.

you shouldn't have send whole movie server display it. movie in database, @ server-side. server needs client id of movie must display. app should work this:

  1. a request sent listmovies servlet
  2. the servlet searches movies in database, , stores list of movies in request attribute
  3. the servlet forwards listmovies.jsp
  4. the listmovies use jstl , el iterate through movies stored in request attribute, and, each of them, generates link displaymovie?id=themovieid. don't use form containing button when link should used.
  5. the user clicks on link. request sent displaymovie servlet
  6. the servlet gets value of id parameter. finds movie in database using id, , stores in request attribute
  7. the servlet forwards displaymovie.jsp page
  8. the displaymovie.jsp page uses jstl , el display details of movie

forget jsp:usebean, jsp:setproperty , jsp:getproperty. belong past, , shouldn't used anymore.

also, methods execute queries against database movies shouldn't in movie class. should in moviedao class. doesn't make sense instantiate movie other movies database. , entity's responsibility not query database.


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