Android build PJSIP with openssl -

i'm trying build pjsip on android ssl/tls support.

i built openssl following this answer (without fips, libraries) , installed in ~/android (which created ~/android/ssl directory).

now, when do

./configure-android --with-ssl=/home/andrea/android/ssl 

and @ config.log, first error states

<ndk-directories-and-stuff>/arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld: warning:, needed /home/andrea/android/ssl/lib/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link) 

a lot of undefined references follow.

as consequence ssl support disabled:

aconfigure:7012: result: ** openssl libraries not found, disabling ssl support ** ac_cv_header_openssl_ssl_h=yes ac_cv_lib_ssl_ssl_library_init=no cflags=' -i/home/andrea/android/android-ndk-r8e/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/include -dpj_is_big_endian=0 -dpj_is_little_endian=1 -i/home/andrea/android/ssl/include' ldflags=' -nostdlib -l/home/andrea/android/android-ndk-r8e/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/lib/ -l/home/andrea/android/ssl/lib' ac_no_ssl='' libssl_present='' openssl_h_present='1' 

but exists in ndk's directory:


i guess have tell ld other libraries are, ld's suggestion mean?

try using -rpath or -rpath-link 

i can't understand -rpath or rpath-link or apply them .

any ideas?

i built pjsip openssl. please follow following steps:

first download openssl-android , compile reading readme file. (put android-ndk path , execute command ndk-build in openssl-android root) copy , libs/armeabi/ folder lib/ folder in root of openssl-android (you can create folder). directory structure should like:

now execute in root directory of pjsip:
./configure-android --with-ssl=/home/your-user-name/path-to-openssl-android-dir

for confirmation openssl included pipe command grep like:
./configure-android --with-ssl=/home/your-user-name/path-to-openssl-android-dir | grep -wi ssl

then see line result: openssl library found, ssl support enabled. means, openssl enabled pjsip. can continue normal.

hope helps.
