endianness - c++ missing endianconvert method -

i have partial source code i'm trying reconstruct (don't ask rest is, not available) , i'm stuck @ missing method 'endianconvert'

i don't have experience c++ i'm hoping here can me out. heres function call

endianconvert (reinterpret_cast<dword *>(pdata+dwclassoffset), sizeof (pagetable) >> 2); 

pdata byte array filled contents of file

byte * pdata = new byte[l]; 

dwclassoffset current location in file

dword dwclassoffset = 0; 

and pagetable class containing several dword variables.

it looks need swap endianess of several dwords in byte array don't know how start implementing this, appreciated.

the >> 2 expression divides size of object in bytes 4, gives number of 4-byte words convert, start function something many times:

void endianconvert(dword* data, size_t count) {     (size_t n = 0; n < count; ++n)        /* convert data[n] */; } 

now need able swap endianness of single dword, quite simple:

dword& d = data[n]; dword b1 = d & 0x000000ff; dword b2 = d & 0x0000ff00; dword b3 = d & 0x00ff0000; dword b4 = d & 0xff000000; d = (b1 << 24) | (b2 << 8) | (b3 >> 8) | (b4 >> 24); 

extract each byte, shift position have in other endianness, , or bytes together.
