java - Long overflows : Fibonacci series -
i'm trying solve second euler problem (calculate sum of fibonacci numbers < 4 million) , far i've come this:
public class cctrial1 { public static void fib(){ long = 0, b = 1; long c = 0, sum = 0; int = 1; long = 0; while(i < 400000){ c = + b; sum = c; = b; b = c; if(sum %2 == 0){ += sum; } i++; } system.out.println("count " +i); system.out.println("last fib no " +sum); system.out.println("sum " +even); } public static void main (string[] args){ fib(); } }
i have changed long , still overflow. can please tell me i'm going wrong?
the problem involves fibonacci terms less 4 million, not first 4 million fibonacci terms.
for example, 35th, 36th , 37th fibonacci numbers 5702887, 9227465 , 14930352; problem statement excludes them consideration, because greater 4000000.
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