hibernate - Spring JPA loads all associated properties despite marking them as FetchType.LAZY in entity class -

i using jpa + hibernate. following entity class:

@entity @table(name = "test_details") public class testdetailsentity implements serializable {      private static final long serialversionuid = 0007l;      @id     @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.identity)     @column(insertable = true, nullable = false, unique = true, updatable = true)     private integer id;       @column(name = "login_name", nullable = false, length = 100)     private string loginname;      @column(name = "login_pwd", nullable = false, length = 100)     private string loginpwd;      @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.lazy)     @joincolumn(name = "supplier_code", referencedcolumnname = "supplier_code")     @foreignkey(name = "fk_test_details_supplier_code")     private supplierentity supplierentity;      @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.lazy)     @joincolumn(name = "component_id1", referencedcolumnname="component_id1", insertable = false, updatable = false)     @foreignkey(name = "fk_test_exam_details_component_id")     private componententity componententity; } 

i have getter setter methods properties.

now in spring jpa, have repository as:

public interface testdetailsrepository extends jparepository<testdetailsentity, integer>  {     @transactional(readonly = true)     @query("from testdetailsentity testdetails  testdetails.supplierentity.suppliercode in ?1 ")     public list<testdetailsentity> gettestdetailsbysuppliercode(list<string> suppliercode); } 

now when call method service class in following way:

public list<testdetailsentity> gettestdetailsbysuppliercode(list<string> suppliercode)     {         return testdetailsrepository.gettestdetailsbysuppliercode(suppliercode);     } 

i can see 1 query being executed *testdetailsentit*ies. there sql queries being fired other associated properties after that, each of testdetailsentit(ies) fetched. not want additional queries fired, don't want associated properties fetched.

please help.
