php - Content is not visible in CodeIgniter calendar -
i can insert data database using codeigniter , data database, problem can't data date 1-9 (the data present in database). after 9th of month, data retrieved successfully.
function display($year=null,$month=null){ if (!$year) { $year = date('y'); } if (!$month) { $month = date('m'); } $this->load->model('calendar_model'); if ($day = $this->input->post('day')) { $this->calendar_model->add_calendar_data("$year-$month-$day",$this->input->post('data') ); } $this->load->model('calendar_model'); $data['calendar']=$this->calendar_model->generate($year,$month); $data['viewname']=('student/s_calendar'); $this->load->view('student/template',$data); }
function get_cal_data($year,$month){ $query=$this->db->select('date,data')->from('student_calender')->like('date',"$year-$month")->get(); $cal_data=array(); foreach($query->result() $row){ $cal_data[substr($row->date,8,2)]=$row->data; } return $cal_data; }
use function calendar data codeignitor picks values past 9 because compares 2 characters in html page 2 characters of days database. number below 10 not match because in database saves day below 10 zero. use this
function get_calender_data($year,$month) { $query = $this->db->select('date, data')->from('calendar') ->like('date',"$year-$month",'after')->get(); $cal_data = array(); foreach ($query->result() $row) { if(substr($row->date,8,1)==0) { $cal_data[substr($row->date,9,1)] = $row->data; } else{ $cal_data[substr($row->date,8,2)] = $row->data; } } return $cal_data; }
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