actionscript 3 - AS3 Pageflip effect: Page reversed when flipped -

i have script book page flip effect. when flip page right left, of page insted of white reflex front of page. know make white?

    import fl.transitions.tween;     import fl.transitions.easing.*;     import fl.transitions.tweenevent;     import flash.display.sprite;     import flash.display.loader;      var cont:displayobject;     var cont2:displayobject;     var imgloader:loader;     var pages:array = [];  (var i:int=0; i<=4; i++)     {         imgloader  = new loader();         imgloader.contentloaderinfo.addeventlistener(event.init, onloadjpeg);         imgloader.load(new urlrequest(""+i+".png"));     }      var imgloader2:loader;      imgloader2  = new loader();     imgloader2.contentloaderinfo.addeventlistener(event.init, onloadsketch);     imgloader2.load(new urlrequest("voltaatrassketchbook.png"));      function onloadjpeg(e : event):void     {         cont =;//obter o loader associado ao loaderinfo          cont.x = 250;         cont.y = 50;         cont.width = (445 - 100) / 2;         cont.height = (604 - 100) / 2;         addchild(cont);         cont.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_up, flippage);         pages.push(cont);     }      function onloadsketch(e : event):void     {         cont2 =;//obter o loader associado ao loaderinfo          cont2.x = 450;         cont2.y = 300;         cont2.width = 181 / 2;         cont2.height = 127 / 2;         addchild(cont2);         cont2.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_up, volta);     }      function flippage(e:mouseevent):void     {         setchildindex(displayobject(e.currenttarget), this.numchildren - 1);         if (e.currenttarget.rotationy == 0)         {             var mytween:tween = new tween(e.currenttarget,"rotationy",regular.easeinout,0,180,1,true);         }         if (e.currenttarget.rotationy == 180)         {             var mytween:tween = new tween(e.currenttarget,"rotationy",regular.easeinout,180,0,1,true);         }     }      function volta(e: mouseevent):void     {         gotoandstop(1);         (var i:int = 0; < pages.length; i++)         {             displayobject(pages[i]).visible = false;         }         cont2.visible = false;     } 

each page should container contains 2 objects, front , back:

function onloadjpeg(e : event):void {     // create container.     var page:sprite = new sprite();     page.x = 250;     page.y = 50;      // create front.     var front:loader =     front.width = (445 - 100) / 2;     front.height = (604 - 100) / 2;      // create (a white rectangle).     var back:sprite = new sprite();;;, 0, (445 - 100) / 2, (604 - 100) / 2);;      page.addchild(back);     page.addchild(front);     addchild(page);     page.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_up, flippage);     pages.push(page) } 

then need check page rotations once every frame, , change index of each page's front or accordingly.

add before function declarations:

addeventlistener(event.enter_frame, enterframelistener); 

and add function:

function enterframelistener(e: event):void {     for(var i:int = 0; < pages.length; i++) {         if(pages[i].rotationy >= 90 &&             pages[i].rotationy <= 270 &&            // page underneath front.            pages[i].getchildat(0) sprite         ) {             pages[i].addchild(pages[i].getchildat(0)); // move top.         } else if(             (pages[i].rotationy < 90 || pages[i].rotationy > 270) &&             // page front underneath back.             pages[i].getchildat(0) loader          ) {             pages[i].addchild(pages[i].getchildat(0)); // move front top.         }     } } 


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