implementing CustomAuthProvider with additional parameters? -

im trying implement customauthprovider in need extend past username/password 3rd parameter. (lets call apikey) accept post application/json

public override bool tryauthenticate(servicestack.serviceinterface.iservicebase authservice, string username, string password) {     if (string.isnullorempty(username) || string.isnullorempty(password))         return false;      var httpreq = authservice.requestcontext.get<ihttprequest>();      string apikey = httpreq.getparam("apikey");      if (string.isnullorempty(apikey))         return false;      var engine = helpers.dbhelper.getengine();     return engine.account.validateapikey(username, password, apikey); } 

and payload looks like

{     "username"="my.user",      "password"="$thepassword!1",      "apikey"="theapikey" } 

the username , password tryauthenticate() apikey null. above works fine if i'm posting form. i'm sure i've missed or have wrong idea of how this. i'm new servicestack have been on examples , articles better part of week. :( advice appreciated.

note: i'm using advance rest client chrome extension test.

could add apikey parameter part of querystring (http://localhost:1337/api/auth/credentials?apikey=theapikey)?

i believe authservce accepts auth object request's inputstream deserialized auth object. ignore apikey parameter. don't believe can reread inputstream of request in tryauthenticat override pull out apikey.

if add apikey querystring can pull out in tryauthenticate override.

var req = authservice.requestcontext.get<ihttprequest>(); var apikey = req.querystring["apikey"]; 

you write own service accepts object username, password , apikey. validate apikey , call authservice passing in username , password parameters.
