SASS variables inter-files scope -

in order use

@include box-shadow(0 0 10px black); 

you have include "library":

@import "compass/css3"; 

later in file, including other scss:

@import "sidebar/main"; 

and in sidebar/_main.scss, when call same:

@include box-shadow(0 0 10px black); 

compass breaks error:

< ... undefined mixin 'box-shadow'.> 

does mean i'll have abstract libraries in own library file, , include file in each , every other scss???

rename sidebar/main.scss sidebar/_main.scss - no other code changes needed.

this instructs sass compiler not compile sidebar/main.scss file separate css file, include in main scss file.

the process works this:

sass compiles main scss file inclusions , generates css (no errors here, since compass included @ top) sass compiles other scss files don't begin _, since these don't have compass included, throws error.
