windows runtime - Convert data URL (of type blob://xxx) to IRandomAccessStream -

i have internal api (that have no control over) returns url of image. inspected url , noticed it's has following format:


i use url value img.src in code, , displays image perfectly. now, i'd convert url irandomaccessstream object can call internal api.

i tried following:

var uri = new; var streamref = randomaccessstreamreference.createfromuri(uri); streamref.openreadasync(function (stream) {     // stream of type irandomaccessstream     // make internal api call here }, error); 

however, "not implemented" error message in error handler function openreadasync call.

is there way convert blob url irandomaccessstream?

following code give access blob object url of format (blob:b0939e98-128b-4ba3-b8d6-b499e7f6c612). per w3 file api spec section 12.7.

// url example: blob:b0939e98-128b-4ba3-b8d6-b499e7f6c612 winjs.xhr({ url: url, responsetype: 'blob'}).then(function (req) {     var blob = req.response; }).then(null, function onerror() {     // handle error }); 

after using filereader api, can read contents of blob. mozilla doc link filereader api. if there specific reason build irandomaccessstream, need explorer converting blob object irandomaccessstream.
