c# - Scene is persisting in the background even though I don't want it to -

i have strange issue game i'm making. reason, whenever change scene menu, menu can seen in background , buttons active. player tap on space menu button (while not being on menu screen) , unintended response. happens on 1 scene; other scenes work correctly. here's script problem.

    using unityengine;     using system.collections;    public class menu : monobehaviour  {     //public texture2d background;     public guitexture backgroundcopy;     public guitexture background;     float bgpos, bgcopypos;     public guiskin buttonskin;     public guiskin recordskin;     public guitext guirecordlabel;     public guitext guitime;     public guitext guicomplete;     public guitext guiturns;     public guitext guilosses;     public guitext guiquits;      records records = new records();      //public static menu instance = null;     private bool onmenuscreen;              //this prevents menu buttons being pressed when i'm not on menu. weird issue.      void awake()     {         //screenfader.fadetoblack = false;         //create singleton there's 1 instance of menu @ time.         //if (instance != null)         //    destroyobject(this);    //destroys new instance         //else         //    instance = this;          //menu needs persist duration of game because want music keep playing across multiple screens. -this no longer case         //dontdestroyonload(this);          //load records         records.loadrecords();      }     // use initialization     void start ()      {         bgpos = 0;                  //initial x position of background         bgcopypos = -screen.width;  //this placed before original background.         onmenuscreen = true;        //i shouldn't need      }          // update called once per frame     void update ()      {         if (!onmenuscreen)  //i need check because menu persists , remains on screen.         {             guirecordlabel.enabled = false;             guitime.enabled = false;             guicomplete.enabled = false;     //i shouldn't need of             guiturns.enabled = false;             guilosses.enabled = false;             guiquits.enabled = false;         }         else         {             guirecordlabel.enabled = true;             guitime.enabled = true;             guicomplete.enabled = true;             guiturns.enabled = true;             guilosses.enabled = true;             guiquits.enabled = true;         }          //show records         guirecordlabel.material.color = color.red;         guitime.text = "total time: " + records.totaltime;         guicomplete.text = "completion: " + records.completionrate + "%";         guiturns.text = "turn total: " + records.turntotal;         guilosses.text = "total losses: " + records.losscount;         guiquits.text = "rage quits: " + records.ragecount;            //scroll background. todo: provide different backgrounds         bgpos = (bgpos > screen.width) ? -screen.width + 2 : bgpos += 1;         bgcopypos = (bgcopypos > screen.width) ? -screen.width + 2 : bgcopypos += 1;          background.pixelinset = new rect(bgpos, background.transform.position.y, screen.width, screen.height);         backgroundcopy.pixelinset = new rect(bgcopypos, background.transform.position.y, screen.width, screen.height);       }      void ongui()     {           //buttons         gui.skin = buttonskin;         if (onmenuscreen && gui.button(new rect(60 * title.scale.x, 400 * title.scale.y, 130 * title.scale.x, 33 * title.scale.y), "level select"))         {                        application.loadlevel("levelselectscreen");             onmenuscreen = false;         }          if (onmenuscreen && gui.button(new rect(300 * title.scale.x, 400 * title.scale.y, 130 * title.scale.x, 33 * title.scale.y), "help & options"))         {                      application.loadlevel("helpscreen");             onmenuscreen = false;         }          if (onmenuscreen && gui.button(new rect(540 * title.scale.x, 400 * title.scale.y, 130 * title.scale.x, 33 * title.scale.y), "back title"))         {             //destroyobject(this);    //kill menu whenever return title screen.                      application.loadlevel("titlescreen");             onmenuscreen = false;         }     } } 

i thought issue might have been second script have on scene, disabled , have same problem. here's other script.

   /* script used allow music persist between screens. uses singleton prevent more once instance  * being created. script must placed in menuscreen scene. */  using unityengine; using system.collections; using system.io; using system;  public class musicplayer : monobehaviour  {      public static musicplayer instance = null;     audioclip track;        //copy of music playing.     public audioclip[] musictracks;     audiosource source;     private bool musicplaying;     private short tracknumber;      void awake()     {         //create singleton there's 1 instance of music track @ time.         if (instance != null)             destroyobject(this);    //destroys new instance         else             instance = this;           dontdestroyonload(this);     }     // use initialization     void start ()      {         source = getcomponent<audiosource>();         loadtrackfile();     }      public string trackname     {         { return musictracks[tracknumber].name; }     }      public short tracknumber     {         { return tracknumber; }         set { tracknumber = value; }     }      public bool musicplaying     {         { return musicplaying; }         set { musicplaying = value; }     }      /* create/update file save track number. */     public void updatetrackfile()     {         string directory = application.persistentdatapath + "/tile crusher/data/";         string filename = "trackfile.savefile";          //initialize track number if file doesn't exist.         if (!file.exists(directory + filename))         {             tracknumber = 0;         }          filestream fs = new filestream(directory + filename, filemode.openorcreate);         streamwriter writer = new streamwriter(fs);          //write track number file         writer.writeline(tracknumber);          writer.close();         fs.close();     }      void loadtrackfile()     {          //start searching , reading files         string directory = application.persistentdatapath + "/tile crusher/data/";         string filename = "trackfile.savefile";           //locate file.  if doesn't exist, created.         if (!file.exists(directory + filename))         {             updatetrackfile();         }          //read data. file read in specific order.         filestream fs = new filestream(directory + filename, filemode.open);         streamreader fileread = new streamreader(fs);          //load track number         string track = fileread.readline();         tracknumber = int16.parse(track);          //done            fileread.close();         fs.close();       }      // update called once per frame     void update ()      {          if (!musicplaying && tracknumber >= 0)         {             //play music             source.clip = musictracks[tracknumber];             source.play();             musicplaying = true;         }         else if (tracknumber < 0)             source.stop();   } 

what's bugging me issue occurring on 1 scene. other scenes work fine. used workaround, don't think need such thing 1 scene. can this?

i refactor menu class can disable a whole when no needed 2 reasons:

  1. the code on update needed when in menu scene
  2. ongui pretty expensive called several times per frame

you can make empty game object menumanager or better scenemanager kind of persistent using object.dontdestroyonload. enabling , disabling menu object can done in class.

maybe unity singleton manager classes can give inspiration. use approach keep hierarchy small , clean. scenes contain game object _applicationstartup prefab contains initial bootstrap code , enhancements development. when project growing , has couple of scenes, highly recommend have scenes designed in way can testing scenes directly. when working on scene level-5, it's totally annoying if have switch main scene testing.


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