knockout.js - knockoutjs - javascript array to observableArray to template - how to? -
i have page contains information subscriber, spouse, , n number of dependents.
for each one, we're asking name, dob, address, etc. basically, it's same fields on , over. can create model subscriber , spouse. i'll have subscriber, , i'm not worried creating empty spouse node in model, kids, i'm unsure how proceed...
my page long page lots of sections hidden until it's time deal section- wizard.
each section in current page starts outer div:
<div data-bind="with: submodelname"> // i.e. subscriberinfo, spouseinfo
i don't know how proceed n number of children.
i can stuff entire <div><form></form><div> section <script> tag , make template, how bind different model each item? i.e. how simulate "with:" part?
my current model set have large wrapping model i'm creating many submodels (4 + 1 each child) , calling single applybindings():
var masterpagemodel = new pageviewmodel(); // pulls in several other modules // ... pageviewmodel.js contents:: // *** section-specific models self.selectedcoverage = ko.observable(); self.contactinformation = ko.observable(); self.subscriberinformation = ko.observable(); self.spouseinformation = ko.observable(); self.dependentinformation = ko.observablearray(); // how work? array? $.getjson("./load.php",{},function(modelpackage){ // **** meta properties self.modellist(modelpackage.modellist); self.currentmodel(modelpackage.currentmodel); // models self.selectedcoverage(new selectedcoverage(modelpackage.models["selectedcoverage"])); self.contactinformation(new contactinformation(modelpackage.models["contactinformation"])); self.subscriberinformation(new subscriberinformation(modelpackage.models["subscriberinformation"])); self.dependentinformation(new dependentinformation(modelpackage.models["dependentinformation"])); // isn't working // dependentinformation array of people , information.... }); //... first file: ko.applybindings(masterpagemodel);
thanks. appreciated.
scott, not sure understand completely, may help:
only 1 form
one approach display "add dependent" button, list of dependent names user select, , show single form edit (or add) selected dependent. excuse pseudocode, this:
mymodel = { mydependents = ko.observablearray(dependents); myselecteddependentindex = ko.observable(0); myactivedependent = ko.computed(function(){ return mydependents()[myselecteddependentindex()];}); }
then bind form model's myactivedependent
computed observable.
one form each dependent
another approach use foreach
mymodel = { mydependents = ko.observablearray(dependents); } mydependentmodel = { name = ko.observable('somename'); } <div id="dependentformlistcontainer"> <ul data-bind="foreach: mydependents"> <li class="dependentform"> <input type="text" data-bind="value: name" /> </li> </ul> </div> ko.applybindings(mymodel, $('#dependentformlistcontainer')[0]);
again, pseudocode, point in direction of solution.
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