Update multiple views and multiple clients in ASP.NET MVC (Razor) -

i using asp.net mvc 4 razor viewmodel. want implement signalr knockout. here code working perfectly.

i have requirement when task created should display clients, , should display client message on different view.

@model taskmanager.models.tasklist @{ viewbag.title = "create";  }   <h2>create</h2>   @using (html.beginform()) { @html.antiforgerytoken() @html.validationsummary(true)  <fieldset>     <legend>tasklist</legend>      <div class="editor-label">         @html.labelfor(model => model.taskname)     </div>     <div class="editor-field">          @html.editorfor(model => model.taskname)         @html.validationmessagefor(model => model.taskname)     </div>      <div class="editor-label">         @html.labelfor(model => model.taskdesc)     </div>     <div class="editor-field">         @html.textareafor(model => model.taskdesc)         @html.validationmessagefor(model => model.taskdesc)     </div>     <p>         <input type="submit" value="create" />     </p>    </fieldset>    }    <div>   @html.actionlink("back list", "index")   </div>    @section scripts {   @scripts.render("~/bundles/jqueryval")   } 

you may not familiar how signalr works sounds homework assignment. forgive me if mistaken.

to start off, please read wiki on signalr: http://www.asp.net/signalr also, spend little bit of time going through tutorials on knockout: http://learn.knockoutjs.com/. adjusted , familiar how both technologies work , capable of.

once ready jump in, want set server-side hub signalr. then, can allow connections client-side browsers through javascript. verify can make connection , communication between server , clients both work great. go through both signalr wiki , sample projects if feel stuck on anything.

then, assign javascript function callable server-side hub. function update knockout view model adding new tasks.

it's straightforward, not have specific solution examples because feel have catching do. luck on assignment!


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