javascript - Facebook Graph API won't return email address -

edit: not duplicate, because:

  • i have permission
  • debugged token
  • code works test user

please don't mark duplicate without reading.

i'm trying user e-mail address, don't it. on graph api explorer, when hit send, email field becomes grayed , says that:

field empty or disallowed access token

but when debug token has email permission granted

my profile has e-mail address.

update: tried . profile returns nothing, on computer. same code returns email, name , uid of account.


    <fb:login-button scope="email">   grant permissions make more examples work </fb:login-button>  <button onclick="dopost()">post stream</button>  <script> function userdata() {   fb.api('/me?fields=name,email','/me callback')); };  fb.getloginstatus(function(response) {   if (response.status === 'connected') {     userdata();   } }); </script> 

it possible lockdown e-mail no 1 can has it? when grant permission?

i had same problem , think found out why: if user has unconfirmed email in facebook (i.e. facebook sent him validation mail email address didn't respond) facebook not pass email app if gave email permissions (!!!).

so did use facebook email if has user name (i.e.
