python - Convert pixel data (in txt file) in libsvm format -

i trying perform prediction libsvm recognition of specific object in image. able convert images using sobel operator , stored pixel value of 1 of image txt file. so, have txt file looks that:

14 18 0  173 176 145  175 177 155  20 21 7  19 18 13  9 7 8  3 1 4  3 1 2  5 4 2  1 0 0  [...] 

my problem not familiar libsvm data format wondering: how modify file using python in order make usable libsvm?

thanks lot!!

a converter shouldn't difficult better not saving txt! don't need intermediate step. can input image data libsvm directly using libsvm python bindings or (my recomendation) scikits, see example:

note: scikits uses libsvm.


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