tfs - Nuget & Team Foundation Server offline error -

i have team foundation server 2012 express set up, , seems working fine. however, when try add nuget package when not connected tfs, following error:

successfully installed 'microsoft.aspnet.providers.core 1.2'.

install failed. rolling back...

tf400324: team foundation services not available server [my tfs server].

technical information (for administrator):

unable connect remote server

it doesn't seem matter whether package web or our internal repository. package restore enable, if relevant.

is there way can still add , update packages while offline? tfs have adding package anyway?

the following steps solved issue me (vs2012 premium update 3):

  1. check out project when you're still connected (alternatively make packages.config , *.csproj file writable)

  2. after lost connection tfs, close solution , open again. vs should ask whether go offline. yes.

  3. install nuget packages.

  4. connect tfs again.

  5. bring solution online (within solution explorer select solution, , open file/source control/go online)

  6. check in changes on *.csproj , packages.config.


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