arrays - Retrieving all localstorage data in a format that can be useful in javascript -

i doing uni assignment , part requires me pull data multiple localstorage keys , compile them in various ways (add them basically.) have got data stored form array in following format

testname;testcompany;6192742222;;1 john st;;bellevue;6056; ;5;10;20.00;44;64.00;6.40;70.40; 

now may have multiple of these , need take few of them, figures towards end, , add them variable number of other values other strings , hitting head against wall trying figure out.

also because uni assignment cannot use jquery, json or server based software.

edit: after doing suggested below still having issues, cannot th life of me code format in comments section figured put here.

window.onload = getallitems();  function getallitems() {     var = 0;     var lslength = localstorage.length-1;     (i = 0; <= lslength; i++) {         var itemkey = localstorage.key(i);         var values = localstorage.getitem(itemkey);         var values2 = values.split(";");           function extract(values2) {   var result = {}; = values2[0];   // ... = values2[3];   // ...   return result; }}} 

if format of value stored in localstorage this

testname;testcompany;6192742222;;1 john st;;bellevue;6056; ;5;10;20.00;44;64.00;6.40;70.40; 

then do

// suppose retrieved string localstorage , have in  // variable called data var dataarray = data.split(';'); 

then write function maps position in array name object, easier later manipulate it, example like:

function extract(arraydata) {   var result = {}; = arraydata[0];   // ... = arraydata[3];   // ...   return result; } 


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