scalaz - Is providing explicitly the context bound possible in Scala? -
in following code:
def sum[a: monoid](xs: list[a]): = { val m = implicitly[monoid[a]] xs.foldleft(m.mzero)(m.mappend) }
if have in scope monoid[int]
has mappend = _ + _
, can call function explicit monoid[int]
has different behavior? or solution use more verbose syntax second argument implicit monoid: monoid[int]
the code exemple comes scalaz tutorial:
at end author shows exemple of providing explicitly monoid, didn't use context bounds:
scala> val multimonoid: monoid[int] = new monoid[int] { def mappend(a: int, b: int): int = * b def mzero: int = 1 } multimonoid: monoid[int] = $anon$1@48655fb6 scala> sum(list(1, 2, 3, 4))(multimonoid) res14: int = 24
context bounds nothing more syntactic sugar. following:
def sum[a: monoid](xs: list[a])
is extactly same as:
def sum[a](xs: list[a])(implicit evidence: monoid[a])
this means regardless of way defined sum
method (either context bound or implicit parameter), can explicitly pass implicit parameter in sum(list(1, 2, 3, 4))(multimonoid)
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