jquery - HTML5 Form elements and styles for mobile device -

i not using jquery mobile mobile website, of form elements used.

i struggling find how create following form elements: -

  1. flip switch
  2. checkbox , radio button jquery mobile style
  3. drop down box image
  4. the items labeled "font styling" , "layout view"

here examples need recreate: http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.1.1/docs/forms/forms-all-mini.html

i know uses html5 im @ loss on how replicate items on above link without using jquery mobile.


it's done background images , events using jquery. more in case of "flip switch" ui-slider. in short you'd have create own plugins or code using jquery or better yet in opinion zepto.js.

zepto nice library that's slimmed down mobile platforms. animations in particular zepto nice on mobile platforms.

so start? inspect markup using favorite dev tool in browser. f-12 chrome. @ divs, spans etc each control creates. note css styling that's behind it. look.

from there you'll have wire jquery/zepto etc. being honest here if you're asking how create these more work you'll want invest.
