Converting text fields to an array and displaying on page with Javascript/Jquery -

i converting collection of text fields array using following code (assume html input fields values):

var bgimgsarray = $("input[class='image_name_input']").map{function(){return $(this).val();}).get(); 

then display on page using:

$("#vardisplay").html("var bgimgs = ["+bgimgsarray+"];"); 

that displays as:

var bgimgs=[image1.jpg,image2.jpg,image3.jpg]; 

however, need display this:

var bgimgs=['image1.jpg','image2.jpg','image3.jpg']; 

other informing user put ' @ beginning , end of input, how achieve this? feel should simple driving me crazy.

change way mapping value.


return $(this).val(); 


return "'"+$(this).val()+"'"; 

ending code:

var bgimgsarray = $("input[class='image_name_input']").map{function(){return "'"+$(this).val()+"'";}).get(); 

you may want make sure don't add 's when user types them. in case, make it:

return "'"+$(this).val().replace(/^'|'$/g,'')+"'"; 


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