c# - Return all attributes of an HtmlElement in Web browser -

i need of attributes webbrowser.currently,i using getattribute() way,i need know name of attributes. imagine not know in webbrowser. c# code:

        stringwriter strwriter = new stringwriter();                     xmlwriter xwriter = xmlwriter.create(strwriter, new xmlwritersettings() { indent = true });         xwriter.writestartelement("items");         foreach (htmlelement el in webbrowser1.document.getelementsbytagname("textarea"))         {             xwriter.writestartelement("item");             xwriter.writeelementstring("guid", el.id);             xwriter.writeelementstring("type", el.getattribute("type").toupper());             xwriter.writeelementstring("name", el.name);             xwriter.writeelementstring("value", el.getattribute("value"));             xwriter.writeelementstring("maxlength", el.getattribute("maxlength"));             xwriter.writeendelement();         } 

i have searched lot did not find thing useful.

i haven't tried it, guess solution or first step. first, have reference microsoft.mshtml

foreach (htmlelement el in webbrowser1.document.getelementsbytagname("textarea")) {      htmltextareaelement textarea = (htmltextareaelement)el.domelement;      xwriter.writestartelement("item");     xwriter.writeelementstring("guid", el.id);      foreach (var attribute in textarea.attributes)     {          string name = attribute.name;          string value = attribute.value;           xwriter.writeelementstring(name, value);     }      xwriter.writeendelement(); } 


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