java - App Engine JDO contains on Set property -

i have following class:

@persistencecapable public class user implements serializable {  @primarykey private long userid;  @persistent(defaultfetchgroup = "true") private set<string> deviceids;  @persistent(defaultfetchgroup = "true") private long schoolclass;  @persistent(defaultfetchgroup = "true") private set<long> subjects; } 

when i'm doing query contains empty list

persistencemanager pm = pmf.get().getpersistencemanager(); query q = pm.newquery(user.class); q.setfilter("subjects.contains(subject)"); list<user> userlist = (list<user>) q.execute(arrays.aslist(new long(13))); q.closeall(); 

what doing wrong? there 2 two users in datastore have long value 13 in subject set. query should return 2 results.

when deug query see there invocationexception when click on userlist right after q.execute().


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