java - How do I make this merge sort go in descending order rather than ascending? -

this simple problem. can't figure out how make sort in descending order rather ascending. can me out?

public static void sortyear(movie4[] movies, int low, int high) {     if ( low == high )          return;      int mid = ( low + high ) / 2;      sortyear( movies, low, mid );      sortyear( movies, mid + 1, high );       mergeyears(movies, low, mid, high );  }  public static void mergeyears(movie4[] movies, int low, int mid, int high) {      movie4[] temp = new movie4[ high - low + 1 ];      int = low, j = mid + 1, n = 0;      while ( <= mid || j <= high )      {          if ( > mid )          {              temp[ n ] = movies[ j ];              j++;          }          else if ( j > high )          {              temp[ n ] = movies[ ];              i++;          }          else if ( movies[ ].getyear() < movies[ j ].getyear())          {                temp[n] = movies[i];             i++;         }         else         {             temp[n] = movies[j];             j++;         }         n++;     }        ( int k = low ; k <= high ; k++ )      {         movies[ k ] = temp[ k - low ];      } } 

in attempt answer question yourself, i'll add comments code.

all of real work in mergeyears:

public static void mergeyears(movie4[] movies, int low, int mid, int high) {      movie4[] temp = new movie4[ high - low + 1 ];       // 'i' tracks index head of low half of range.     // 'j' tracks index head of upper half of range.     int = low, j = mid + 1, n = 0;       // while still have entry in 1 of halves.     while ( <= mid || j <= high )      {          // lower half exhausted.  copy upper half.         if ( > mid )          {              temp[ n ] = movies[ j ];              j++;          }          // upper half exhausted. copy lower half.         else if ( j > high )          {              temp[ n ] = movies[ ];              i++;          }          // compare 2 movie4 objects @ head of lower , upper halves.         // if lower less upper copy lower.         else if ( movies[ ].getyear() < movies[ j ].getyear())          {                temp[n] = movies[i];             i++;         }         // lower is greater upper.  copy upper.         else         {             temp[n] = movies[j];             j++;         }         n++;     }      // copy temp buffer 'movie' array.     ( int k = low ; k <= high ; k++ )      {         movies[ k ] = temp[ k - low ];      } } 


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