webgl - What does "PERFORMANCE WARNING: Some textures are unrenderable" mean in Chrome? -

in webgl, in javascript console, see warning

performance warning: textures unrenderable. 

what mean?

webgl must enforce opengl es 2.0 behavior , prevent webgl apps accessing data don't have access to. webgl implementations have validate many things including textures read readable according opengl es 2.0 spec no extensions.

so, @ every draw, have check if textures meet required criteria includes checking that each texture "texture complete", if it's cubemap "cube complete" , "mipmap cube complete", if it's non-power-of-2 dimensions texture filtering set correctly, etc... if of these conditions not met webgl implementation substitute transparent black texture behavior spec compliant , consistent across devices.

these checks expensive shortcut webgl implementation can take track if textures unrenderable. if no textures unrenderable no checking needed @ draw time. warning above textures unrenderable telling webgl has expensive checking. if make sure textures renderable webgl can skip check , app may run faster.

for definitions of "texture complete", "cube complete", etc... see opengl es 2.0 spec section 3.7.10


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