Infinite Loop while importing Excel to SQL -

i have code

use [database] set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go  alter procedure [dbo].[getdataexcel]   declare c cursor select  box, code , validity openrowset('microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0', 'excel 12.0;database=c:\barcodes.xlsx;hdr=yes',     'select box, code , validity [sheet1$]') declare @code bigint declare @box bigint declare @validity date  begin   open c   fetch next c @box,@code,@validity  while @@fetch_status = 0 begin  insert cards (box, barcode, validitydate) select box, code , validity     openrowset('microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0', 'excel 12.0;database=c:\barcodes.xlsx;hdr=yes',     'select box, code , validity [sheet1$]') fetch next c @box,@code,@validity  end  close c deallocate c   end 

while exporting table "cards" empty rows copied table , process doesn't stop , loop goes on , on , process restarted on , over, query doesn't stop executing unless stop , when see content of table , see null values of empty rows , filled rows' values , , repeated , how stop query reading empty rows , stop reading excel file on , on ?

why not use instead of cursor

insert (box, barcode, validitydate)  select *   openrowset('microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0', 'excel 12.0;database=c:\barcodes.xlsx;hdr=yes',             'select box, code, validity [sheet1$]') 
