Replaced stars with NA has no effect when data is read from a function in R -

i have data frame missing values denoted star sign "*".

i have replaced them > mydata[mydata == "*"] <- na when use str(mydata) shows missing values still "*". like

'data.frame':   117 obs. of  8 variables:  $ price: factor w/ 82 levels "*","1000","1020",..: 36 37 39 39 35 34 32 29 27 26 ... 

as if have not applied > mydata[mydata == "*"] <- na

it's not mydata equal "*" rather mydata$price

try 1 of these , first of coerce numeric vector , in process generate warning values being set na can ignored, since wanted in first place:

 mydata$price  <- as.numeric(as.character( mydata$price))   mydata$price[ mydata$price == "*" ] <- na mydata$price) <-  mydata$price == "*" 


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