proxy - How many nginx buffers is too many? -

reading nginx documentation, proxy_buffer command has explanatory message:

this directive sets number , size of buffers, read answer, obtained proxied server. default, size of 1 buffer equal size of page. depending on platform either 4k or 8k.

the default 8 4k or 8k buffers. why did authors of nginx choose eight, , not higher number? go wrong if add more buffers, or bigger buffer size?

nginx built efficient memory , default configurations light on memory usage. nothing go wrong if add more buffers, nginx consume more ram.

eight buffers chosen smallest effective count square of two. 4 few, , 16 greater default needs of nginx.

the “too many buffers” answer depends on performance needs, memory availability, , request concurrency. “good” threshold stay under point @ server has swap memory disk. “best” answer is: few buffers necessary ensure nginx never writes disk (check error logs find out if is).

here nginx configurations use large php-fpm application on web hosts 32 gb of ram:

 client_body_buffer_size      2m;  client_header_buffer_size    16k;  large_client_header_buffers  8 8k;  fastcgi_buffers              512 16k;  fastcgi_buffer_size          512k;  fastcgi_busy_buffers_size    512k; 

these configurations determined through trial , error , increasing values nginx configuration guides around web. header buffers remain small because http headers tend lightweight. client , fastcgi buffers have been increased deal complex html pages , xml api.
