ios - Twitter OAuth 1 POST requests not working -

i creating application ios , using oauth library. requests seem work fine try make post requests following error :

[code 32] not authenticate you.

now not quite sure happening, post requests generated pretty requests. ideas causing error ?

here code generating request:

+ (nsurlrequest *)preparedrequestforpath:(nsstring *)path                               parameters:(nsdictionary *)queryparameters                               httpmethod:(nsstring *)httpmethod                               oauthtoken:(nsstring *)oauth_token                              oauthsecret:(nsstring *)oauth_token_secret {     if (!httpmethod         || !oauth_token) return nil;        nsmutabledictionary *allparameters = [self standardoauthparameters];     allparameters[@"oauth_token"] = oauth_token;     if (queryparameters) [allparameters addentriesfromdictionary:queryparameters];      nsstring *parametersstring = chquerystringfromparameterswithencoding(allparameters, nsutf8stringencoding);      nsstring *request_url = api_url;     if (path) request_url = [request_url stringbyappendingstring:path];     nsstring *oauth_consumer_secret = consumer_secret;     nsstring *basestring = [httpmethod stringbyappendingformat:@"&%@&%@", request_url.utf8andurlencode, parametersstring.utf8andurlencode];     nsstring *secretstring = [oauth_consumer_secret.utf8andurlencode stringbyappendingformat:@"&%@", oauth_token_secret.utf8andurlencode];     nsstring *oauth_signature = [self.class signcleartext:basestring withsecret:secretstring];     allparameters[@"oauth_signature"] = oauth_signature;      nsstring *querystring;     if (queryparameters) querystring = chquerystringfromparameterswithencoding(queryparameters, nsutf8stringencoding);     if (querystring) request_url = [request_url stringbyappendingformat:@"?%@", querystring];     nsmutableurlrequest *request = [nsmutableurlrequest requestwithurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:request_url]];     request.httpmethod = httpmethod;      nsmutablearray *parameterpairs = [nsmutablearray array];     [allparameters removeobjectsforkeys:queryparameters.allkeys];     (nsstring *name in allparameters) {         nsstring *apair = [name stringbyappendingformat:@"=\"%@\"", [allparameters[name] utf8andurlencode]];         [parameterpairs addobject:apair];     }     nsstring *oauthheader = [@"oauth " stringbyappendingformat:@"%@", [parameterpairs componentsjoinedbystring:@", "]];     [request setvalue:oauthheader forhttpheaderfield:@"authorization"];      if ([httpmethod isequaltostring:@"post"]         && queryparameters != nil) {         nsdata *body = [querystring datausingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding];         [request sethttpbody:body];     }      return request; } 


the last lines of code set http body seem cause problem. when remove lines

 nsdata *body = [querystring datausingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding];  [request sethttpbody:body]; 

everything works fine, except when parameters exceptionally bigger sending base64 encoded image, fails... possibly fix ?


i don't know cause exactly. can't send private message non-follower.

how api console? can test twitter apis. maybe you.

first test direct message api right way. , compare results between api console , codes.
