iphone - AutoLayouts, Contraints, UIView and re-sizing -

i have attempted search autolayout, contraints , several other items, can't seem find easy answer appears simple issue. below 2 screenshots. first 1 4" iphone in storyboard, second 3.5".

at bottom, have "uiview" sits on top of other layers , pop-up when hit "share" button. see problem? want maintain same size uiview on both 3.5" , 4". can see, grows , doesn't on 4" screen. settings need adjusted in order make happen. know it's going constraint setting.

iphone 4" in storyboard.

iphone 3.5" in storyboard

simply select black top uiview, , in ib window add height constraint. so, search "pin" menu in bottom right corner of window, , select "pin height".

xcode pin menu

this tells xcode want view keep same height. note make 1 of previous constraints of view useless (in case deleted "top space" one).
