fortran - Error in compiling: Can't open module file -

i have code:

        program xfit !   driver routine fit     use nrtype; use nrutil     use nr     use ran_state, : ran_seed     implicit none     integer(i4b), parameter :: npt=100     real(sp), parameter :: spread=0.5_sp     integer(i4b) :: mwt     real(sp) :: a,b,chi2,q,siga,sigb     real(sp), dimension(npt) :: harvest,sig,x,y     call ran_seed(sequence=731)     x(:)=arth(0.1_sp,0.1_sp,npt)     call gasdev(harvest)     y(:)=-2.0_sp*x(:)+1.0_sp+spread*harvest     sig(:)=spread     mwt=0,1         if (mwt == 0)             write(*,'(//1x,a)') 'ignoring standard deviation'             call fit(x,y,a,b,siga,sigb,chi2,q)         else             write(*,'(//1x,a)') 'including standard deviation'             call fit(x,y,a,b,siga,sigb,chi2,q,sig)         end if         write(*,'(1x,t5,a,f9.6,t24,a,f9.6)') 'a = ',a,'uncertainty: ',&             siga         write(*,'(1x,t5,a,f9.6,t24,a,f9.6)') 'b = ',b,'uncertainty: ',&             sigb         write(*,'(1x,t5,a,4x,f10.6)') 'chi-squared: ',chi2         write(*,'(1x,t5,a,f10.6)') 'goodness-of-fit: ',q     end     end program xfit 

but when compile following error

use ran_state, : ran_seed      1 fatal error: can't open module file 'ran_state.mod' reading @ (1):               no such file or directory 

could please tell me how can solve it?

i've seen same error when built this:

gfortran test.f90 -o test.exe  

use modulename


fatal error: can't open module file 'modulename.mod' reading @ (1): no such file or directory

say modulename.mod @ /usr/local/include

and dependencies @ /usr/local/lib

you can make errors go away the following:

gfortran test.f90 -o test.exe -i/usr/local/include -l/usr/local/lib 
