jquery - How to reformat dates in m/d/y with in PHP array from jqgrid post data? -

i have jqgrid sends update post data php processing database. right have problem converting 3 of columns desired yyyy-mm-dd format injecting mysql database. how convert data in array m/d/y mysql yyyy-mm-dd?where heck convert correctly data processed correctly , sent database? please need suggestions?

enter image description here

jqgrid colmodel code:

{name:'lastvisit', index:'lastvisit', width:70, align:'right',formatter: 'date',srcformat:'yyyy-mm-dd',newformat: 'm/d/yy',editable:true, edittype: 'text',mtype:'post' ,       editoptions:{size:10, datainit:function(elem){$(elem).datepicker({dateformat:'m/d/yy'});}}} ,     {name:'cdate', index:'cdate', width:70, align:'right',formatter: 'date',srcformat:'yyyy-mm-dd',newformat: 'm/d/yy', edittype: 'text',editable:true ,mtype:'post' ,editoptions:{size:10, datainit:function(elem){$(elem).datepicker({dateformat:'m/d/yy'});}}} ,    {name:'ddate', index:'ddate', width:70, align:'right',formatter: 'date',srcformat:'yyyy-mm-dd',newformat: 'm/d/yy',date:'true',editable:true, edittype: 'text',editoptions:{size:10, datainit:function(elem){$(elem).datepicker({dateformat:'m/d/yy'});}}} , 

here php code:

/* columns array format:  $_post['variable'] => 'db column name' */ $crudcolumns =  array(     'id'=>'id'     ,'name'=>'name'     ,'id_continent'=>'id_continent' ,'lastvisit'=>'lastvisit'     ,'cdate'=>'cdate'     ,'ddate'=>'ddate'  ); 

then cleaned , readied processing:

/*----====|| , clean post variables ||====----*/ foreach ($postconfig $key => $value){      if(isset($_request[$value])){         $postconfig[$key] = fncleaninputvar($_request[$value]);      } } foreach ($crudcolumns $key => $value){      if(isset($_request[$key])){         $crudcolumnvalues[$key] = '"'.fncleaninputvar($_request[$key]).'"';     } }  

databse connect sent database update row:

case $crudconfig['update']:         /* ----====|| action = update ||====----*/         if($debugmode == 1){$firephp->info('update','action');}         $sql = 'update '.$crudtablename.' set ';         /* create of update statements */         foreach($crudcolumns $key => $value){ $updatearray[$key] = $value.'='.$crudcolumnvalues[$key]; };         $sql .= implode(',',$updatearray);         /* add additonal update statements here */         $sql .= ' id = '.$crudcolumnvalues['id'];         if($debugmode == 1){$firephp->info($sql,'query');}         mysql_query( $sql )          or die($firephp->error('couldn t execute query.'.mysql_error()));         break; 

i may not have understood question, if you're asking how convert 1 date format another...

$bad_date = '5/16/2013'; $good_date = date('y-m-d', strtotime($bad_date)); // returns 2013-05-16 

... , change foreach ($crudcolumns) code ...

foreach ($crudcolumns $key => $value){      if(isset($_request[$key])){         if ($key == 'lastvisit' || $key == 'cdate' || $key == 'ddate') {             $crudcolumnvalues[$key] = '"'.date('y-m-d', strtotime($_request[$key])).'"';         } else {             $crudcolumnvalues[$key] = '"'.fncleaninputvar($_request[$key]).'"';         }     } }  


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