python - how to know if I'm decorating a method -

it seems mymethod not yet method when decorator called.

import inspect  class decorator(object):     def __call__(self, call):         if inspect.ismethod(call): #not working yet             obj = "method"             args = inspect.getargspec(call)[0][1:]         elif inspect.isfunction(call):             obj = "function"             args = inspect.getargspec(call)[0]         elif inspect.isclass(call):             obj = "class"             args = inspect.getargspec(call.__init__)[0][1:]          args="(%s)" % repr(args)[1:-1].replace("'","")         print "decorate %s %s%s" % (obj, call.__name__, args)         return call   @decorator() def myfunction (a,b): pass  @decorator() class myclass():     def __init__(self, a, b): pass      @decorator()     def mymethod(self, a, b): pass  if inspect.isfunction(myclass.mymethod):     print "mymethod function" if inspect.ismethod(myclass.mymethod):     print "mymethod method" 


decorate function myfunction(a, b) decorate function mymethod(self, a, b) decorate class myclass(a, b) mymethod method 

i know if first argument 'self', there less dirty solution?

edit: why?

i want populate list of callables , arguments, if function or class, , can pass expected arguments, call it, if method, have no "self" argument pass. like:

import inspect  class todo(object):     calls=[]      def do(self, **kwargs):         call in self.calls:             if 'self' in call.args:                 print "this fail."             args = {}             arg in call.args:                 args[arg]=kwargs.get(arg, none)   **args)  todo = todo()  class decorator(object):     def __call__(self, call):         if inspect.isfunction(call):             args = inspect.getargspec(call)[0]         elif inspect.isclass(call):             args = inspect.getargspec(call.__init__)[0][1:] = call         self.args = args         todo.calls.append(self)         return call, b=2) 

you can't make distinction. here's example:

>>> class a(object): ...    pass ... >>> def foo(x): return 3 ... >>> = foo >>> type(foo) <type 'function'> >>> type( <type 'instancemethod'> 

as can see, decorator apply foo, since function. can create class attribute references function create decorated method.

(this example python 2.7; i'm not sure if has changed in python 3 make above behave differently.)
