Working with video in actionscript -

i have small movie clips needs played, throughout game making. making them in aftereffets , exporting them flv files , embedding them timeline, making moviclip symbol play them.

but disaster. way small movie clips don't garbage collect @ all. keeps getting stored in memory. if turn them swf, files become 10 times bigger, going high 24 mb 2.4 mb flv file. it's frustrating work way.

can please suggest way work videos/clips in actionscript 3? don't need controls these movie clips, serve cut scenes.

adobe introduced stagevideo, leveraging hardware acceleration high performance video playback.

to mitigate performance impact of rendering video in video object, adobe has introduced stage video new way render video. approach takes full advantage of underlying video hardware. result lower load on cpu, translates higher frame rates on less powerful devices , less memory usage.

example implementation thibault imbert:

package {     import flash.display.bitmap;     import flash.display.bitmapdata;     import flash.display.displayobject;     import flash.display.loader;     import flash.display.shape;     import flash.display.sprite;     import flash.display.stagealign;     import flash.display.stagedisplaystate;     import flash.display.stagescalemode;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import flash.geom.rectangle;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import;     import flash.system.loadercontext;     import flash.text.textfield;     import flash.text.textfieldautosize;     import flash.text.textformat;     import flash.ui.keyboard;      /**      *       * @author thibault imbert      *       */      [swf(framerate="1", backgroundcolor="#000000")]     public class simplestagevideo extends sprite     {         private static const file_name:string = "";         private static const interval:number = 500;         private static const border:number = 20;          private var legend:textfield = new textfield();         private var sv:stagevideo;         private var nc:netconnection;         private var ns:netstream;         private var rc:rectangle;         private var video:video;         private var thumb:shape;         private var interactivethumb:sprite;         private var totaltime:number;          private var videowidth:int;         private var videoheight:int;         private var outputbuffer:string = new string();         private var rect:rectangle = new rectangle(0, 0, 0, border);         private var videorect:rectangle = new rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);         private var gotstage:boolean;         private var stagevideoinuse:boolean;         private var classicvideoinuse:boolean;         private var accelerationtype:string;         private var infos:string = new string();         private var available:boolean;         private var inited:boolean;         private var played:boolean;         private var container:sprite;          /**          *           *           */              public function simplestagevideo()         {             // make sure app visible , stage available             addeventlistener(event.added_to_stage, onaddedtostage);         }          /**          *           * @param event          *           */              private function onaddedtostage(event:event):void         {             // scaling             stage.scalemode = stagescalemode.no_scale;             stage.align = stagealign.top_left;             legend.autosize = textfieldautosize.left;              // debug infos             legend.multiline = true;             legend.background = true;             legend.backgroundcolor = 0xffffffff;             addchild(legend);              // thumb seek bar             thumb = new shape();              interactivethumb = new sprite();             interactivethumb.addchild(thumb);             addchild(interactivethumb);              // connections             nc = new netconnection();             nc.connect(null);             ns = new netstream(nc);             ns.addeventlistener(netstatusevent.net_status, onnetstatus);             ns.client = this;              // screen             video = new video();             video.smoothing = true;              // video events             // stagevideoevent.stage_video_state informs if stagevideo available or not             stage.addeventlistener(stagevideoavailabilityevent.stage_video_availability, onstagevideostate);             // in case of fallback video, listen videoevent.render_state event handle resize , know acceleration mode running             video.addeventlistener(videoevent.render_state, videostatechange);              // input events             stage.addeventlistener(keyboardevent.key_down, onkeydown);             stage.addeventlistener(event.resize,  onresize);             stage.addeventlistener(, onclick);         }          /**          *           * @param event          *           */              private function onnetstatus(event:netstatusevent):void         {             if ( == "" )                 legend.text = "video file passed, not available!";         }          /**          *           * @param event          *           */              private function onframe(event:event):void          {             var ratio:number = (ns.time / totaltime) * (stage.stagewidth - (border << 1));             rect.width = ratio;   ;   ;   , rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);            }          /**          *           * @param event          *           */              private function onclick(event:mouseevent):void         {             if ( event.stagey >= interactivethumb.y - border && event.stagex <= stage.stagewidth - border )             {                 var seektime:number = (stage.mousex - border) * ( totaltime / (stage.stagewidth - (border << 1) ) );        seektime );                 }         }          /**          *           * @param event          *           */              private function onkeydown(event:keyboardevent):void         {                if ( event.keycode == keyboard.o )             {                 if ( available )                     // toggle stagevideo on , off (fallback video , stagevideo)                     togglestagevideo(inited=!inited);              } else if ( event.keycode == keyboard.f )             {                 stage.displaystate = stagedisplaystate.full_screen;             } else if ( event.keycode == )             {                 ns.togglepause();             }         }          /**          *           * @param width          * @param height          * @return           *           */              private function getvideorect(width:uint, height:uint):rectangle         {                var videowidth:uint = width;             var videoheight:uint = height;             var scaling:number = math.min ( stage.stagewidth / videowidth, stage.stageheight / videoheight );              videowidth *= scaling, videoheight *= scaling;              var posx:uint = stage.stagewidth - videowidth >> 1;             var posy:uint = stage.stageheight - videoheight >> 1;              videorect.x = posx;             videorect.y = posy;             videorect.width = videowidth;             videorect.height = videoheight;              return videorect;         }          /**          *           *           */              private function resize ():void         {                if ( stagevideoinuse )             {                 // viewport viewable rectangle                 rc = getvideorect(sv.videowidth, sv.videoheight);                 // set stagevideo size using viewport property                 sv.viewport = rc;             } else              {                 // viewport viewable rectangle                 rc = getvideorect(video.videowidth, video.videoheight);                 // set video object size                 video.width = rc.width;                 video.height = rc.height;                 video.x = rc.x, video.y = rc.y;             }              interactivethumb.x = border, interactivethumb.y = stage.stageheight - (border << 1);             legend.text = infos;         }          /**          *           * @param evt          *           */              public function onmetadata ( evt:object ):void         {             totaltime = evt.duration;             stage.addeventlistener(event.enter_frame, onframe);         }          /**          *           * @param event          *           */              private function onstagevideostate(event:stagevideoavailabilityevent):void         {                // detect if stagevideo available , decide in togglestagevideo             togglestagevideo(available = inited = (event.availability == stagevideoavailability.available));         }          /**          *           * @param on          *           */              private function togglestagevideo(on:boolean):void         {                infos = "stagevideo running (direct path) : " + on + "\n";              // if choose stagevideo attach netstream stagevideo             if (on)              {                 stagevideoinuse = true;                 if ( sv == null )                 {                     sv = stage.stagevideos[0];                     sv.addeventlistener(stagevideoevent.render_state, stagevideostatechange);                 }                 sv.attachnetstream(ns);                 if (classicvideoinuse)                 {                     // if use stagevideo, remove display list video object avoid covering stagevideo object (always in background)                     stage.removechild ( video );                     classicvideoinuse = false;                 }             } else              {                 // otherwise attach video object                 if (stagevideoinuse)                     stagevideoinuse = false;                 classicvideoinuse = true;                 video.attachnetstream(ns);                 stage.addchildat(video, 0);             }              if ( !played )              {                 played = true;       ;             }         }           /**          *           * @param event          *           */              private function onresize(event:event):void         {             resize();                }          /**          *           * @param event          *           */              private function stagevideostatechange(event:stagevideoevent):void         {                infos += "stagevideoevent received\n";             infos += "render state : " + event.status + "\n";             resize();         }          /**          *           * @param event          *           */              private function videostatechange(event:videoevent):void         {                infos += "videoevent received\n";             infos += "render state : " + event.status + "\n";             resize();         }     } } 


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