Sorting the columns of a matrix by "largest element" in matlab -

in matlab, how can sort matrices columns in ascending order largest element in given column.

for example, given matrix a=[1 300 5; 100 1 2; 2 200 7], output a=[300 1 5; 1 100 2; 200 2 7].

i can using loop, i've been hammered idea should matrix operation in matlab.

find maxima per column in , sort them. need indices of sort (i).

>> [sortedmaxs,i]=sort(max(a,[],1),'descend')  sortedmaxs =     300   100     7   =       2     1     3 

sort a based on indices i:

>> asort=a(:,i)  asort =     300     1     5      1   100     2    200     2     7 

so in short, need these 2 lines:

[~,i]=sort(max(a,[],1),'descend'); asort=a(:,i); 


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