Android/Java File.mkdirs() in external storage not working -
first off, want specify have
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.write_external_storage" />
specified in manifest, , check environment.media_mounted.
the strange thing this, in opinion, returns true, doesn't create directories.
public static void downloadfiles(arraylist<filelist> list) { (filelist file: list) { try { // download directory file download = new file(downloaddirpatch.getcanonicalpath(), file.getpath()); // downloaddirpatch defined follows in different class: // // private static string updatedir = "cognitionupdate"; // private static file sdcard = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory(); // final public static file downloaddir = new file(sdcard, updatedir); // final public static file downloaddirpatch = new file(downloaddir, "patch"); // final public static file downloaddirfile = new file(downloaddir, "file"); if (dev_mode) log.i(tag, "download file: " + download.getcanonicalpath()); // check if directory exists or not if (!download.exists()) // directory doesn't exist, attempt create if (download.mkdirs()) { // directory created url(file.geturl() + file.getpatch()), file.getpath(), file.getname(), true); } else { throw new externalstoragesetupfailedexception("download sub-directories not created"); } else { // directory exists url(file.geturl() + file.getpatch()), file.getpath(), file.getname(), true); } } catch (filenotfoundexception fnfe) { fnfe.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception ie) { ie.printstacktrace(); } catch (externalstoragesetupfailedexception essfe) { essfe.printstacktrace(); } } }
"if (download.mkdirs())" returns true, when app goes download file throws a
filenotfoundexception: open failed: enoent (no such file or directory)
exception, , when check directory afterwards on phone, doesn't exist.
earlier in program, app sets parent download directory, , works fine using file.mkdir(), file.mkdirs() doesn't seem working me.
your question not give detail filenotfoundexception
. check path triggers this. forget think path is, log or run through debugger see is.
as per directories not created correctly, verify (with eyes) path think is. see logging download.getcanonicalpath
, check in logs is.
saving stuff think does? before call preparing , verifying directory using download
, not using download
when call
, it's impossible tell.
btw, don't repeat yourself, can rewrite without repeating
if (!download.exists()) if (!download.mkdirs()) { throw new externalstoragesetupfailedexception("download sub-directories not created"); } } url(file.geturl() + file.getpatch()), file.getpath(), file.getname(), true);
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