ios - Right To Left Push animation results in corrupted navigation bar -

i'm subclassing uinavigationcontroller perform push right left (not normal behavior) uirtlnavigationcontroller.m i've added @ bottom of question , these warnings:

 nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar  finishing navigation transition in unexpected state. navigation bar subview tree might corrupted. 

i've researched these errors , found class prevents receiving them:

i've added bufferednavigationcontroller .h , .m project, changed line in bufferednavigationcontroller.h to: @interface bufferednavigationcontroller : uirtlnavigationcontroller , seted bufferednavigationcontroller uinavigationcontroller custom subclass in ib.

views still moving right left , methods getting called inside bufferednavigationcontroller i'm still warnings nested , ..navigation bar subview tree might corrupted..

any appreciated.


#import "uirtlnavigationcontroller.h"   @implementation uirtlnavigationcontroller  - (id)initwithrootviewcontroller:(uiviewcontroller *)rootviewcontroller {         self = [super initwithrootviewcontroller:rootviewcontroller];         if (!self)                 return nil;         return self; }  - (void)pushviewcontroller:(uiviewcontroller *)viewcontroller animated:(bool)animated {         nslog(@"pushviewcontroller");         // add viewcontroller , fake controller without animation. pop fake controller animation.         uiviewcontroller *fakecontroller = [[[uiviewcontroller alloc] init] autorelease];         [super setviewcontrollers:[[self viewcontrollers] arraybyaddingobjectsfromarray:[nsarray arraywithobjects:viewcontroller, fakecontroller, nil]] animated:no];         [super popviewcontrolleranimated:animated]; }  - (void)popviewcontrolleranimatedstep2:(uiviewcontroller *)viewcontroller {         // push new top controller animation         [super pushviewcontroller:viewcontroller animated:yes];         // remove view should have been popped         nsmutablearray *arr = [nsmutablearray arraywitharray:[self viewcontrollers]];         [arr removeobjectatindex:[[self viewcontrollers] count]-2];         [super setviewcontrollers:[nsarray arraywitharray:arr] animated:no]; }  - (uiviewcontroller *)popviewcontrolleranimated:(bool)animated {         nslog(@"popviewcontrolleranimated");          if (animated)         {                 // save controller should on top after pop operation                 uiviewcontroller *newtopcontroller = [[self viewcontrollers] objectatindex:[[self viewcontrollers] count]-2];                 // remove stack. leave view should popped on top                 nsmutablearray *arr = [nsmutablearray arraywitharray:[self viewcontrollers]];                 [arr removeobjectatindex:[[self viewcontrollers] count]-2];                 [super setviewcontrollers:[nsarray arraywitharray:arr] animated:no];                 // schedule next step                 [self performselector:@selector(popviewcontrolleranimatedstep2:) withobject:newtopcontroller afterdelay:0];                 return [arr objectatindex:[arr count]-1];         }         return [super popviewcontrolleranimated:no]; }  - (void)dealloc {     [super dealloc]; }   @end 

i don't know if creating custom uinavigationcontroller perform custom transition, if do, there easier way it. following code

-(void)makemycustomanimation {       yourdestinationviewcontroller *destinationcontroller = [yourdestinationviewcontroller                                                               alloc] initwithnib.....];//add missing code fot ini    catransition* transition = [catransition animation];   transition.duration = .25; //you can change value fit needs   transition.timingfunction = [camediatimingfunction functionwithname:                                             kcamediatimingfunctioneaseineaseout];                                             //kcamediatimingfunctionlinear                                            //kcamediatimingfunctioneasein                                            //kcamediatimingfunctioneaseout                                            //kcamediatimingfunctioneaseineaseout                                            //kcamediatimingfunctiondefault     transition.type = kcatransitionpush; //kcatransitionmovein;                                      //kcatransitionpush,                                        //kcatransitionreveal                                      //kcatransitionfade     transition.subtype = kcatransitionfromright;                         //kcatransitionfromleft,                        //kcatransitionfromright                         //kcatransitionfromtop,                        //kcatransitionfrombottom  [self.navigationcontroller.view.layer addanimation:transition                                                             forkey:kcatransition];  [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:destinationcontroller animated:no]; 


you can change direction of transition changing subtype value.(i might set wrong value of subtype, keep mixing them)

also can use same approach pop-ing view controller. i

and can used if want use segues, create custom segue , overrode -(void)perform method adding previous code additions, have view controllers [self sourceviewcontroller]; , [self destinationviewcontroller];


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