view - How do I show a Next button on Sencha NavigationView? -

sencha adds nice button navigation bar. shown below.

back button in navigationview

so questions are:-

  • how can dynamically add next button navigation bar?
  • how style next button have triangular edge, similar button has?

you can change appearance of button alike forward button setting ui : "forward" config button.

you can add buttons navigation bar following way -

    navigationbar : {                    items:[             {                 xtype:'button',                 text:'forward',                 ui:'forward'             }         ]     }, 

you can add buttons dynamically navigation bar controller. first instance of navigation view , navigation bar. create buttons , add them it.

   var navbar = this.getmynavview().getnavigationbar();     var button = ext.create('ext.button', {         text: 'button'     });     navbar.add(button); 

update found issue ui : 'forward' on sencha forum. have @ it.


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