Run jQuery function on resize if condition is met -

i trying run script show message when hovering on logo. want run on screen sizes larger 768.e.g not mobiles. div appear , show random message list.

on resize check if content container equal or larger 692, , if add class hoverinfo body. want run script if class exists, yet script still runs regardless.

currently run script on doc.ready, run script check width on window resize , doc.ready.

any appreciated!

$(function(){     function checkwidth() {         if ($('#content-wrap').width() == 692) {             $('body').addclass('hoverinfo');                 } else {             $('body').removeclass('hoverinfo');         }        }     checkwidth();      $(window).resize(function () {          settimeout(checkwidth, 200);     });      function showtext(){         $randomtext = $(".page #messages");         $(".hoverinfo #logo").hover(             function () {                    $;             },              function () {                 $randomtext.hide();             }         );                   }            showtext();                  });  

i don't think hover works live event in jquery. set , stay rest of page load.


        $(".no-touch .page.hoverinfo #logo").on("mouseenter", function(){             $;             var aux=hovertext($text);             $(".page #messages li:eq("+aux+")").show();              $("#logo").css('opacity','1');         });          $(".no-touch .page.hoverinfo #logo").on("mouseleave", function(){             $randomtext.hide();             $text.hide();             $("#logo").css('opacity','1');         });  

also, think have typo;

if ($('#content-wrap').width() == 692) { 

should be;

if ($('#content-wrap').width() >= 692) { 


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