configuration - Tmux: How to configure tmux to display the current working directory of a pane on the status bar? -

i new tmux , trying edit tmux.conf file have left side of status bar reflect:

[sessionname] [currentpane] [currentworkingdirectory]

i able display sessionname , currentpane. can't display currentworkingdirectory.

i've tried several #(shell command) options:

  1. #(tmux select-pane -t :.#p; pwd) : prints other $pwd variable not reflect current directory of bash session in current pane.

  2. #(tmux select-pane -t :.#p; tmux send-keys pwd enter) firstly, although did print currentworkingdirectory if i'm in terminal. prints in terminal , not in status bar how want it. secondly, entered "pwd enter" every 15 seconds whether or not in terminal, hassle reverse if not quick (like am).

i've tried these options no avail, possible want? , how?

there variable that, doesn't seem in manpage mentioned in development version. me, works in 1.8 release of tmux.

set -g status-left "#{pane_current_path}" 

note works when put in window-status. each window status mention respective working directories.

setw -g window-status-format "#{pane_current_path}". 


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