c# - Putting a thread to sleep for decimal value -

this question system.threading.thread.sleep(int). know there no method decimal value, need work decimals. here situation

i have device takes 20.37 milliseconds turn 1 degree. so, need put code sleep appropriate multiplication of 20.37 (2 degrees = 20.37*2 etc). since thread class got no decimal sleep method, how can this? please help!

that not work way. sleep grant thread sats idle x time, not won't stay idle more. end of sleep period means thread available scheduler run it, scheduler may chose run other threads/processes @ moment.

get initial instant, find final instant, , calculate current turn time passed. also, not forget check how precise time functions are.

real-time programming has particularities in own advice seek more info in topic before trying work. can pretty extensive (multiprocessing os vs monoprocessing, priorities, etc.)


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