sql - [C#]Doesn't insert in DB, does give a executenonquery of 1 -

i busy project in have insert data in compact sql db file created in visual studio 2010 express. every check says insert being done properly, 1 drawback, everytime check database no data inserted. tried:

checking command.executenonquery() result

i tried , catched.

i did direct sql insert , worked.

i checked connectionstate.

so out of ideas, hope guys can help.

oh, , code might of use:

    private void butaddoilblend_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         connecttodb connection = new connecttodb();         try         {             connection.connect.open();              string sqlcommand = "insert oilblendstable(oilblendsname, oilblendsdescription) values(@oilblendsname, @oilblendsdescription)";              using (sqlcecommand command = new sqlcecommand(sqlcommand, connection.connect))             {                 command.parameters.addwithvalue("@oilblendsname", tbnameoilblend.text);                 command.parameters.addwithvalue("@oilblendsdescription", tboilblenddescription.text);                  command.executenonquery();                 int affectedrows = command.executenonquery();                  messagebox.show(affectedrows.tostring());             }              lblfinalword.text = "you added new blend named: " + tbnameoilblend.text;         }         catch (sqlexception ex)         {             messagebox.show(ex.message.tostring());         }         catch (exception ex)         {             messagebox.show(ex.message.tostring());         }                 {             connection.connect.close();         }     } 

copy always means every time start debug application fresh copy of sdf file copied project directory datadirectory overwriting file there.

the datadirectory in winforms app bin\debug.
inserts going database (bin\debug\oildb.sdf).
@ next run these inserts lost.
should use copy if newer

where |datadirectory|
visual studio - file properties

here supposing check missing data looking @ file stored in project directory through connection defined in server explorer window. check connection string


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