go - Why are goroutines with network i/o being blocked? -
i'm using go 1.1 devel on ubuntu 13.04
go version devel +ebe8bca920ad wed may 15 15:34:47 2013 +1000 linux/386
according http://golang.org/doc/faq#goroutines
when coroutine blocks, such calling blocking system call, run-time automatically moves other coroutines on same operating system thread different, runnable thread won't blocked.
i'm trying write downloader can download large file in chunks using goroutines , best goroutine i've come with:
func download(uri string, chunks chan int, offset int, file *os.file) { current := range chunks { fmt.println("downloading range: ", current, "-", current+offset) client := &http.client{} req, _ := http.newrequest("get", uri, nil) req.header.set("range: ", fmt.sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", current, current+offset)) resp, err := client.do(req) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer resp.body.close() body, err := ioutil.readall(resp.body) if err != nil { panic(err) } file.write(body) } }
the full script available @ https://github.com/tuxcanfly/godown/blob/master/godown.go
even though, files being dowloaded , saved correctly, can see second chunk starts when first finishes.
shouldn't chunked downloads run in parallel, or there i'm doing wrong?
you have 1 goroutine downloading chunks.
line 64:
go download(*download_url, chunks, offset, file)
what want is:
for := 0; < *threads; i++ { go download(*download_url, chunks, offset, file) }
this download *threads
chunks @ once.
after have concurrency working, notice line 29 doesn't work how intend. if chunk 1 finishes before chunk 2, parts written out of order. may want instead use http://golang.org/pkg/os/#file.writeat.
you have 2 problems range header.
- you don't download remainder. if file size 3002 , have 3 threads, request 0-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-3000 , last 2 bytes never downloaded.
- byte ranges inclusive. means (as can see in previous example) downloading bytes twice. byte 1000 , 2000 requested twice. of course, long write correct locations, shouldn't have of problem.
number 2 easy enough fix changing line 19 from
req.header.set("range: ", fmt.sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", current, current+offset))
to this
req.header.set("range: ", fmt.sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", current, current+offset-1))
for more information on range header, suggest reading section 14.35 in rfc2616
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